Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yes, I am outside.

Ray's friend let him borrow his sled for a few weekends, so we had a little family time a few Saturday's ago. I did drive the snow machine and it was fun for a little while, but I certainly was glad to go back into the house where it was warm. The girls, on the other hand, loved riding it with their dad and spending time with him. His mom even let Ray take her for a ride too. It really wasn't all that bad, and we were just in the field behind our church, so I knew I could go home whenever I wanted.

Look at the white spot on Ray's jacket, that was a snowflake in mid air.

Ray actually let both of the girls drive the snowmachine too.

It was a fun day had by all!!

Stay tuned this week for the Young version of a week in the life of Janel, Jerika & Kinlee.
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1 comment:

Mauna said...

Yes, you were outside and you had fun. I know I had fun, just should have dressed a little warmer but we can always go in and get warm when we are so close to home. Thanks for a fun day. Love you kids.

My Birthday through Christmas