Friday, March 19, 2010


This is Kinlee walking to the playground at the school where they have to wait until the bell rings. She didn't much want to hang out with me another day, so she chose to go to school. Actually I would have made her go whether she wanted to or not. I'm really not sure how I feel about her teacher this year, so I really don't blame her for not liking school.

This is the cube that I sit in all day every day. I was really busy on Tuesday since I was gone on Monday. And we got a lot of orders so that was a really good thing. Today I had leftovers for lunch so I didn't even leave the office until 5:00. After work I ran to Albertsons because it was the last day their chicken was on sale. After that I ran home to get the girls because Jerika has voice lessons at 5:30 on Tuesdays. Voice lessons lasts 3o minutes and then this week we went into town afterward and I got the girls dinner off the dollar menu at McDonalds and then went to the Cocoa Bean (cupcake store) and got my friend Sonia a cupcake for her birthday a day late.  (Wow that was a long run on sentence.) Then we came back to Sugar City and delivered the cupcake and then went home to make sure the house was clean for Bunco.

Jerika going into voice lessons.

Jerika, Attina and me too if you look really close.
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1 comment:

Debi and Craig said...

You need to tell me who the voice teacher is. I need to get Alexys back in lessons again. So far there are none in Fremont county that I can find so let me know who yours is. PLEASE!!!!!

My Birthday through Christmas