Saturday, September 27, 2008

Better Day

I always feel like I need pictures to post, so that is why I don't write anything unless there is a picture to go with it. I am however going to post a few pictures of the inside of my house for some of the girls at work. But, maybe tomorrow. Today we took Kinlee and 3 of her friends bowling for her birthday. I am just really glad I only have 2 1/2 kids and they are all 5 years apart. I'm sure Heavenly Father had a little hand in it, because he knew I couldn't handle it at all. After the party, the grandparents came over and had cake and ice cream with us. After that was over, mom and I went to the Womens conference at the stake center. IT WAS AMAZING!! I think when the Ensign comes out I am going to make several copies of President Ukdorf's (spelling?) talk and read it daily. If any of you didn't go tonight I would highly recommend going online and see if you can get if there and if not make sure you read it in the ensign. I am just gearing up for the next two days, they are going to be really sad, so wish me luck!! And I will poast pictures soon.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm Old!!!

I just realized that my baby will be 8 this week. Boy do I feel old!! I still remember all the trouble we went through getting her into this world. Boy we are thankful we have her. And I have to remind myself every day, because she is a joy and a "princess" or so she thinks. And she really gives us a run for our money, but we are all love her and her amazing spirit.

Friday, September 5, 2008

This is us!!

It was Jerika's birthday tonight, so I had Nakia take our family picture. For those of you who don't know, Ray was in the hospital for 8 days starting July 31. He lost about 30 pounds and guess what, I think I found at least 20 of those pounds. I cut my hair off hoping that would make me loose a little of the weight, but it didn't work and I believe it may have made things a little worse. Anyway, this is all of us, since we don't all get in the picture most of the time. And one more thing, my kids do have other clothes. I realized after the picture that the girls had on the same clothes as they did the first day of school. Have a great week!!
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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Way too old!!

For young womens last week we took Jerika's class to the college to take pictures. Guess who I thought was the most beautiful out of all of them? Tomorrow is her birthday and she will be 13, yes a teenager. I can't be that old, can I? I am just really thankful that she is such a good girl!! I don't know what I would do without her!! Anyway, I won't get all sappy, I just wanted to show you all how beautiful she is. I'm not sure where she gets it from, I guess it is that old saying my mom used to tell us all the time "ugly parents have cute kids". So, there you go!!
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Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to School

Here are pictures of the girl's the first day of school. Jerika will be 13 on Friday and Kinlee will be 8 on the 24th. Boy they really grow fast!!
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I'm back

Hello everyone, I am really going to try to keep up on this now that life is a little less crazy. We are done with our house for the most part. The kids are back in school and we are getting back to normal a little. I just got over 800 pictures back that I ordered and I am busy getting them scrapbooked. I took some recently, but can't find them on my computer, so I will try to download some of the other ones. I can't remember how to do all this crap.

Okay, I attached a picture of Ray and the girls watching tv in our new bedroom. More to follow soon, I hope!!