Friday, March 19, 2010

Jerika & Attina (voice teacher)

This is what Kinlee and I do during voice lessons, sit in the car and read or whatever.

This is my very uncooperative Bunco group who really didn't want their picture taken so I took it while they weren't looking and I think maybe next time they will cooperate a little better and I won't have to post silly pictures of them. Bunco was supposed to be at Nakia's house but since her kids go to bed before we get done, we did it at my house instead. Bunco usually goes from 7 to 9. I won the loser prize.

They finally let Kinlee take their picture after I told them to either pose or get the "swear word" out of my house.  Even though I was really grumpy that night, I do love all of them and we have tons of fun!!
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