Monday, March 22, 2010


Yeah, it is Friday!!! On Friday, I take the girls to school like the rest of the week, and the I go to work until 10:30 and then I head back to Kinlee's school to help in her class. I test the kids on the math skills they have learned during the week. It is fun to get to know the kids she goes to school with. Like I said in one of the other posts, however, I am not really sure how I feel about her teacher. She is really hard on the kids sometimes and I am pretty sure some parents would not approve of the things she says to their children. I pull each of kids away one on one to quiz them, so if any of them have been mean to other kids and Kinlee tells me about it, I have been known to ask them about it. They really are pretty good kids and this is the last year I can help at school.
Kinlee is right in the middle of this picture sitting down with the bright pink shirt.

After I went to the school, on my way back to work I decided my car needed washed,
so I went to the carwash and since I had my camera, I took a picture.

Lunch at the office - sometimes we all eat together.

Daryl (my boss) and Becky grazing on what was left.
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