Thursday, March 18, 2010

This is Monday...

Monday morning Kinlee came into my bedroom, which she usually does just to make sure I am awake. On a very regular basis she tells me her stomach hurts and that she doesn't feel good. After that I usually tell her to go eat breakfast and she will feel better, and I usually call her bluff and make her go to school. Since I didn't go to bed until 2 on Sunday morning and 1:30 on Monday morning, I decided not to argue with her. I told her to go back to bed and I would let her stay home. So, Jerika got ready and I took her to school, which is the picture below, she is on the right. I was in the car and was pretty scary looking so I didn't want to get too close and she was almost to the door when I actually took the picture.

After dropping Jerika off, I came back home and Kinlee was asleep, so I decided I would lay back down until she woke up. Well, we both slept until about 11:30. When she got up she was feeling much better. She told me then that she thought she had Activity Day and I told her she wouldn't be able to go since she stayed home from school. She then told me that I had told her she could go to school if she felt better, so she wanted to go to school. I told her no, that she could stay home the rest of the day and not do anything fun. She spent most of the day watching tv in Jerika's bedroom, but don't tell Jerika. And I spent most of the day working on a project for Dan (one of my co-workers) from work on my laptop. Nakia called at 2 and wanted to know if Jerika was coming home after school so she could go to Rexburg with her. Jerika had to stay a little late to finish her art project, so I told Nakia to bring her kids over here, since I was pretty sure Kinlee wasn't sick and they wouldn't get anything. Nakia brought them all over here and I asked Kinlee if she had been faking and she told us yes. She is precious. Nakia left right before Jerika called needing a ride, so she picked Jerika up at the school and then they went to Rexburg while I played with the kids. Okay, while I held Rylen, he even went to sleep so I got to cuddle him.

When Jerika got back home and Nakia and her kids left, we decided to do some laundry and organize the pantry. Kinlee looks really sick in this picture, doesn't she? They organized and cleaned while I fixed dinner, which was stuffed pasta, green beans and croissants. We usually try to have family home evening on Sunday while Ray is home, so Monday nights we try to catch up with stuff we don't get done during the weekend. After the girls went to bed I watched 20/20 and read my book for a little while. I still didn't go to bed very early Monday night, but I guess I did sleep in, so I wasn't really tired. And there you have our EXCITING Monday.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also get the "I don't feel good" just about every morning from Madisen. I tell her she needs to eat breakfast as well. And if she really is sick the nurse will call me....which never happens. Do they think we were born yesterday? or that we were ever little kids and pulled the same stuff?!

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