Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thursday - Almost the Weekend

Another day another dollar? I dropped the kids off at school and then headed to work. I can't remember if it was Wed. morning or Thursday, but one of those mornings before I went to work, I stopped at Albertsons for the cereal sale. Anyway, Thursday was a pretty normal work day. My boss didn't show up in at Kilt like he did the day before, which is a whole other story. I can't remember for sure what I had for lunch either. I think that I should have been doing these blogs the day after they happened. So, I guess I will blog what I remember. On Thursdays Kinlee has dance. Either Nakia or Allisa picks her, Brayli and Mya up at school and then Mya and Brayli have dance at 3. Kinlee stays to watch them dance and then whoever is driving that day brings her to my office where she stays until 5 and then her dance starts at 5:15. Usually while she dances I either read my book or run errands until she is done at 6. That however was not the case this week. I have been having some issues with my shoulder, so I got me an appointment for a massage on Thursday, totally forgetting about dance, even though it was on my calendar. Anyway, I was going to cancel my appointment, but my Good friend Becky at work told me she would take Kinlee to dance and then I could just pick her up when dance was over because I would be done by then. So, I went to get my massage while Kinlee stayed at work with Becky and then Becky took her to dance at 5 and it all worked out just fine.

Once again, I love my friend Jalayn and I am feeling much better!!

Kinlee was waiting very patiently outside of dance when I got there. I told her that I would stop somewhere and get her and Jerika some dinner, since I had to be at Bunco at 7. And I felt bad because I made her wait, but she said she had just barely gotten outside, so I wasn't late and it was all good.

Top row: Jalaine, Tiffnie, Whittney, Laurel & Bottom row: Me, Brooke, Angie, Hali

This is my other Bunco group. Yes, I have two groups. I just really like all of them too much to quit one of my groups. We usually don't have bunco on the same week, but this month it just happened to work that way. However, I must say this group was much more cooperative when I asked them if I could take their picture. There was no arguing, swearing or anything. THANKS GUYS!!
After bunco I came home and got the girls to bed and then I read for awhile. I did take a picture of my book, but I haven't downloaded it to my computer yet, so there are only 3 pictures for today. Wow, what I crazy week. A few more days to go.
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1 comment:

Colette said...

You crazy BUNCO woman. WOW I'm tired after listening to your week. What a cute idea. Maybe I'll have to try that sometime, if I have the energy.