Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar dresses

Okay, I have an opinion and I am going to share it.  First of all, I usually love my DVR, because I can record shows that I am interested in and then later watch them in way much less than their entirety.  Especially shows like the Oscars.  I love a good awards show, however, I love one even better without having to listen to the acceptance speeches.  That being said, my DVR totally let me down last night!!  It recorded all of the Oscars, except for the Best Female Actress and the last award, whatever that is, I forget.  So yes, I missed the only acceptance speech that I wanted to watch.  Thank goodness for the internet, I got to watch it today and it was very touching.  Anyway, I know most of you could care less, but that is my little story.  Also, I was even more impressed with Sandra Bullock's MODEST dress.  As I looked at all the other dresses, most of them were strappless and not very becoming.

Love, love, love her dress!!

I think that I like this one just because it is my FAVORITE color.  Sleeves would be nice though.

One of my other Faves!!  Once again needs something to cover her shoulders.

Okay, this dress is really not my favorite, but I do like it and it is modest too.  Go Nichole Richie!!

Yes, it is very likely that I need to get a life, since I am blogging about dresses at the Oscars.  However, I am having a big dose of stress in my life this week and I just wanted to think about something a little less taxing on my brain.  So, there you have it.


Colette said...

I don't usually watch the Oscars but I LOVE Sandra Bullock so we had to cheer her on. I thought she looked so pretty and her dress was very pretty and like you said modest. I told Todd "just think a couple of those dresses and we could be out of debt." Hope whatever is stressing you gets better! Let's forget Zumba and go eat at Olive Garden :)

The Courtney Family said...

Don't feel bad about posting about Oscar dresses....I did too about J-Lo's bubble wrap dress. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I switched back and forth between other shows and the Oscars. I loved Sandra's whole look...I think the color of her lipstick really completed the outfit. Yes, it is kind of sad that I put that much thought into it....most men wouldn't think twice about it.

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