Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturday - The final day

Saturday was super busy!! We, as a Young Women's Presidency decided we needed to get to know the young women a little better, so we scheduled 15 minutes per girl throughout the day to get to know them a little better. It was fun and I think it was very successful!!
These are the amazing women in my presidency, Amanda, Melanie & Lori. I couldn't do it without them!!

They made me get in a picture too. Thanks Ray for taking the picture.

Saturday I also finished bagging up my Mary Kay to finish delivering. There was so much more than this, but I had delivered most of it before I thought to take a picture. If you haven't seen the new items Mary Kay has, you should really check it out at

I know this is sideways, but this is the current book I am reading. It seems like I have been finishing a book a week lately.
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