Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wednesday - St. Patrick's Day

Since it was St. Patrick's Day Becky, Lori, Linda & I (my besties from work) decided we needed to be festive so we went Great Harvest Bread and bought the green bread they make special for that day. After school Kinlee went over to Nakia's house to play, so I took them some of the festive bread and they all liked it. They were a little scared at first, but then they realized it really wasn't that bad.
Then we went home and made GREEN french toast for dinner. It was really pretty good and the girls seemed to enjoy it. Jerika's friend was here when we ate and I'm not sure if she was disgusted or what, but she wouldn't eat it. She did say I was a fun mom though. At 6:30 we took Kinlee to Allisa's house to play while we went to Young Womens. Allisa is so so so so so nice to keep her every Wednesday, and we can't thank her enough.

This is Jerika and her friend who wouldn't eat the french toast. I told her that she looks much more silly covering her face for the picture that she would if she would just cooperate. So, there she is silly, silly girl. Jerika was in charge of helping make flowers for hair. There were different stations and she took on that task and did a very good job. One of her other friends showed up later and they both helped her. I am really thankful for Jerika's friends!! She has some really good friends, I just wish they lived in our ward. They will every now and then go to each others mutual so they can be together. I really don't see anything wrong with that, but I don't really know other people's opinions and I'm not sure I care, is that bad?

These are all the young women and the different stations, this station was Jerikas flower station. The mia maids were in charge.
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1 comment:

Colette said...

You know what, as long as they go, I don't care what other people think either. HA HA!!

My Birthday through Christmas