Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday - another day with no pictures

Sorry Miriam, no pictures today. 

A few of us from the office had training in Idaho Falls today from 1 to 5.  Jerika was supposed to have voice lessons, but they got cancelled, so I was able to run to Walmart in Idaho Falls after the training.  The main reason I am posting though is because of the funny thing that happened Tuesday night.

Here it is...... I went to the movie with my mom and her friend Linda.  When we got there they both paid for their movie and when it was my turn, the girl at the counter asked me if I wanted the same thing.  I said yes, thinking she meant the movie.  Well, the next thing out of her mouth was these words, "are you a senior too?"  Yes, that is what she asked me, my mom and her friend were Senior Citizens and she wanted to know if I was too.  I asked her if she was serious and said she just assumed that since I was with them I was too.  I didn't cry, I didn't yell, and I didn't freak out, but I did tell her that since she asked me that question, she WAS going to give me the Senior Citizens discount and she did.  The movie by the way was the Bounty Hunter and it was a really cute movie.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Its Monday again.

Kate taught us how to highlight each others hair and we took dinner to her house and ate there.

Aren't we cute? Thats all!
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I can't stop, so here is Sunday

Sunday morning we had church at 9, as usual. It was high council week and I was pretty impressed with our speaker. Because his little helper did show up and so he spoke the entire sacrament meeting and it was not boring, it was a good talk!! The bishop did have a few comments at the end, I'm just glad they have any of the Presidents bare (bear?) their testimonies. I had to give the lesson this week, which makes me really nervous!!! So, I sluffed Sunday school. Okay, I didn't really sluff, I watched Brady so that Kate could go to Sunday school and actually listen. At least that is the excuse I am using. After church we had BYC which is a meeting with the bishop, me the young men's president and the presidents of our classes. Then I came home and took a nap. Yeah, I love naps. Then at 4:30 we went out to John & Brooke's (the Pinnocks) house for dinner. The Stoddards were there too and here are a few pictures.
McKinley & Kinlee

Tate, Ciera, Jerika & Cort

The two Connors
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Tiffi Sue & Brookie

John & Ray

Attley & Kade

After dinner Jerika and I had Stake Standard's night back in town. It was a really impressive evening and I think our young women really liked it. Then we got home about 9:00. Another busy Sunday.
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Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturday - The final day

Saturday was super busy!! We, as a Young Women's Presidency decided we needed to get to know the young women a little better, so we scheduled 15 minutes per girl throughout the day to get to know them a little better. It was fun and I think it was very successful!!
These are the amazing women in my presidency, Amanda, Melanie & Lori. I couldn't do it without them!!

They made me get in a picture too. Thanks Ray for taking the picture.

Saturday I also finished bagging up my Mary Kay to finish delivering. There was so much more than this, but I had delivered most of it before I thought to take a picture. If you haven't seen the new items Mary Kay has, you should really check it out at

I know this is sideways, but this is the current book I am reading. It seems like I have been finishing a book a week lately.
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After our meetings with the girls, Ray and I fixed dinner and had Kate and the boys come over for dinner.  Ray's friend Tyler also came over to eat with us too.

Tanner, Colton & Kinlee dancing.

Brady laughing at me, I guess I was funny looking.

Brady and Ray.  Boy, are we going to miss that little guy!
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Yeah, it is Friday!!! On Friday, I take the girls to school like the rest of the week, and the I go to work until 10:30 and then I head back to Kinlee's school to help in her class. I test the kids on the math skills they have learned during the week. It is fun to get to know the kids she goes to school with. Like I said in one of the other posts, however, I am not really sure how I feel about her teacher. She is really hard on the kids sometimes and I am pretty sure some parents would not approve of the things she says to their children. I pull each of kids away one on one to quiz them, so if any of them have been mean to other kids and Kinlee tells me about it, I have been known to ask them about it. They really are pretty good kids and this is the last year I can help at school.
Kinlee is right in the middle of this picture sitting down with the bright pink shirt.

After I went to the school, on my way back to work I decided my car needed washed,
so I went to the carwash and since I had my camera, I took a picture.

Lunch at the office - sometimes we all eat together.

Daryl (my boss) and Becky grazing on what was left.
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Right after work on Friday I ran to the grocery store  Then I brought it all home and we put away everything that went in the fridge and freezer.  Jerika has a new friend and she has been spending some time over at his house.  He really is just a friend, I think, which is fine with me because boys are so much nicer and there is no drama when she hangs out with boys.  I know that sounds like I am in lala land, but it is so true.  Some of the girls Jerika's age can be so mean!!!!!!!!!  Anyway, we left and went over to his house to meet his mom so that I felt better about her spending time there.  She seems really nice.  They just moved here from Utah.  After that, Kinlee and I went over to Kate's to have dinner with her and the boys.  When we were done eating dinner, we made granola bars and indoor smores. It was a lot of fun.

I also defrosted my freezer on Friday.  I was getting some hamburger Friday night from my friend Jennifer, so I had to make sure there was room in the freezer and that it was defrosted.  Luckily it didn't take as long as I thought it would and the hamburger did fit.

The groceries that didn't get put away before we left for Kates.  I also see the granola bars in the picture too.

Ray came home late Friday night, so I cooked him dinner after he got home. 
I think he looks a little tired here.
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thursday - Almost the Weekend

Another day another dollar? I dropped the kids off at school and then headed to work. I can't remember if it was Wed. morning or Thursday, but one of those mornings before I went to work, I stopped at Albertsons for the cereal sale. Anyway, Thursday was a pretty normal work day. My boss didn't show up in at Kilt like he did the day before, which is a whole other story. I can't remember for sure what I had for lunch either. I think that I should have been doing these blogs the day after they happened. So, I guess I will blog what I remember. On Thursdays Kinlee has dance. Either Nakia or Allisa picks her, Brayli and Mya up at school and then Mya and Brayli have dance at 3. Kinlee stays to watch them dance and then whoever is driving that day brings her to my office where she stays until 5 and then her dance starts at 5:15. Usually while she dances I either read my book or run errands until she is done at 6. That however was not the case this week. I have been having some issues with my shoulder, so I got me an appointment for a massage on Thursday, totally forgetting about dance, even though it was on my calendar. Anyway, I was going to cancel my appointment, but my Good friend Becky at work told me she would take Kinlee to dance and then I could just pick her up when dance was over because I would be done by then. So, I went to get my massage while Kinlee stayed at work with Becky and then Becky took her to dance at 5 and it all worked out just fine.

Once again, I love my friend Jalayn and I am feeling much better!!

Kinlee was waiting very patiently outside of dance when I got there. I told her that I would stop somewhere and get her and Jerika some dinner, since I had to be at Bunco at 7. And I felt bad because I made her wait, but she said she had just barely gotten outside, so I wasn't late and it was all good.

Top row: Jalaine, Tiffnie, Whittney, Laurel & Bottom row: Me, Brooke, Angie, Hali

This is my other Bunco group. Yes, I have two groups. I just really like all of them too much to quit one of my groups. We usually don't have bunco on the same week, but this month it just happened to work that way. However, I must say this group was much more cooperative when I asked them if I could take their picture. There was no arguing, swearing or anything. THANKS GUYS!!
After bunco I came home and got the girls to bed and then I read for awhile. I did take a picture of my book, but I haven't downloaded it to my computer yet, so there are only 3 pictures for today. Wow, what I crazy week. A few more days to go.
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wednesday - St. Patrick's Day

Since it was St. Patrick's Day Becky, Lori, Linda & I (my besties from work) decided we needed to be festive so we went Great Harvest Bread and bought the green bread they make special for that day. After school Kinlee went over to Nakia's house to play, so I took them some of the festive bread and they all liked it. They were a little scared at first, but then they realized it really wasn't that bad.
Then we went home and made GREEN french toast for dinner. It was really pretty good and the girls seemed to enjoy it. Jerika's friend was here when we ate and I'm not sure if she was disgusted or what, but she wouldn't eat it. She did say I was a fun mom though. At 6:30 we took Kinlee to Allisa's house to play while we went to Young Womens. Allisa is so so so so so nice to keep her every Wednesday, and we can't thank her enough.

This is Jerika and her friend who wouldn't eat the french toast. I told her that she looks much more silly covering her face for the picture that she would if she would just cooperate. So, there she is silly, silly girl. Jerika was in charge of helping make flowers for hair. There were different stations and she took on that task and did a very good job. One of her other friends showed up later and they both helped her. I am really thankful for Jerika's friends!! She has some really good friends, I just wish they lived in our ward. They will every now and then go to each others mutual so they can be together. I really don't see anything wrong with that, but I don't really know other people's opinions and I'm not sure I care, is that bad?

These are all the young women and the different stations, this station was Jerikas flower station. The mia maids were in charge.
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This station was the quilt tying station.  We got 2 baby quilts tied for the humanitarian center.  Yeah service.

This station was like the Dating game, but with moms and girls.  These moms were answering questions while the daugthers were in the other room.

Silly girls answering questions about their moms in the other room.

This station the girls were discussing which project they were planning on displaying for Young Women in Excellence.  It was such a good night and we really got a lot accomplished.  By the time we got everything cleaned up it was after 9, so we went and got Kinlee and then came home.  I'm pretty sure I watched a little television after I put the children to bed, then I fell asleep about 10:30, which is really early for me.
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Friday, March 19, 2010


This is Kinlee walking to the playground at the school where they have to wait until the bell rings. She didn't much want to hang out with me another day, so she chose to go to school. Actually I would have made her go whether she wanted to or not. I'm really not sure how I feel about her teacher this year, so I really don't blame her for not liking school.

This is the cube that I sit in all day every day. I was really busy on Tuesday since I was gone on Monday. And we got a lot of orders so that was a really good thing. Today I had leftovers for lunch so I didn't even leave the office until 5:00. After work I ran to Albertsons because it was the last day their chicken was on sale. After that I ran home to get the girls because Jerika has voice lessons at 5:30 on Tuesdays. Voice lessons lasts 3o minutes and then this week we went into town afterward and I got the girls dinner off the dollar menu at McDonalds and then went to the Cocoa Bean (cupcake store) and got my friend Sonia a cupcake for her birthday a day late.  (Wow that was a long run on sentence.) Then we came back to Sugar City and delivered the cupcake and then went home to make sure the house was clean for Bunco.

Jerika going into voice lessons.

Jerika, Attina and me too if you look really close.
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My Birthday through Christmas