Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lydia's Baptism

Lydia’s baptism was in Terreton, which isn’t too far in the grand scheme of things, but seems really far because it is all deserted desertlike land.  Anyway we were there early and the only people from our family that didn’t come was Nakia’s family because they were at a reunion.  My point being that several people travelled far to attend.  Such as Shelby and Catie who came from Utah and the rest of us were closer, but still far enough.  As one of the other little girls was getting baptized I overhead one of her parents ask the bishopric member presiding if he could be a witness.  They only had one grandpa there to witness and nobody else from their family.  As I looked around that little room, I realized that little girl only had her parents, one set of grandparents and young siblings there with her on her special day.  It really put into perspective how supportive my family is and how much we are willing to do for each other.  This makes me so thankful to be a member of this family and makes me appreciate them even more.

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