Thursday, August 1, 2013

Inspirational Blogging

I know I go through this phase about once a year where I want to “be an inspirational blogger”.  I know that sounds really strange and I don’t really have much to offer, but I just wish I was one of those people.  I am a huge blog stalker, which I think is a direct result of only having 2 children and a husband that is only home on weekends.  There are some days that those blogs literally pull me through my day and night of course and I am thankful for that and wish I could do that for others.  I have a very cute cousin that blogs often and she is an inspiration to me.  But, she does amazing things and I often feel like I don’t have much to offer as far as that goes. Maybe one of these days I will pull myself from my house at night and make things happen. I think right now I am in a place where I don’t feel as if I am truly needed.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want a sick husband or kids, or anything like that, but they are all 3 pretty self-sufficient right now and don’t require as much as they used to.  That being said, I am super thankful for my life right now for many reasons and I don’t really have a lot to blog about (once again not asking for stress in my life).  But, I just think it would be fun to be an inspiration through the written word.  Maybe right now I should just focus on keeping my blog updated with what we are doing in our lives.  That’s all, thanks for stopping by.

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