Thursday, August 1, 2013

American Idol Day 2

Day 2 consisted of us getting there by 5:00, which was the time stated on the instructions we received the day before.  This time however we were not separated into sections, however we were “cattled inside barriers .  I am not really sure why we had to be there so early, because they had scheduled promo stuff that started right after the sun came up.  This promo stuff consisted of everyone standing on the steps of the Energy Solutions arena and yelling various things, such as “welcome to Salt Lake City” “welcome back to Salt Lake City”, “welcome to Utah”, you get the idea.  We did this for about an hour in the mugginess, good thing it was early morning and not as hot as it could have been.  I was not super impressed with the director or whoever he was, needless to say he was a little unnecessarily  grumpy with everyone.  I realize he has done this a thousand times before, but he really needed to take a chill pill.  We met the cutest couple from Preston, Idaho on this day and they were the so sweet, we are still wondering if she made it through. We are hoping so and will vote for her if she did.  After that we went inside and did some more promo stuff and watched a short video. Then the auditions began. 
The main question that everyone keeps asking is if we saw the judges.  Well, here is the process….  There were about 8 tables set up with 2 judges (voice people from the group night) and they would go in front of those judges and sing for 40 to 60 seconds and they would decide if they went to round 2.  So, that day there were 3 rounds if you make it through the 3rd round, you get to come back and sing for the judges sometime in October.  So we don’t know who the judges are and she didn’t make it through round 1.  They did tell her she had an amazing voice and to practice singing more in public.  HAHA, I told her so, but do teenagers listen, nope.  So, we were done with the whole process by about 10 a.m. and went back to Shelby’s to sleep.

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