Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Miscellaneous some explanation required

So, I think it is time to tell the readers of my blog, which I know there are many, that I was the buzz kill in New York.  I threw by back out the Saturday before we left and I went to Jalayn and thought it was better.  But on about day 3 I was sadly mistaken, I woke up and it was so bad.  I tried really hard that day to just make it through and not be a mess and a debby downer.  But, it was so hard.

So, I found places to sit while they shopped and looked around.  This was my first waiting area in Victoria's Secret and it was huge and pretty comfy (if I didn't move).  I sat with a bunch of husbands and Brooke joined me for a bit too.

We had what was like a Walgreens right behind our hotel, so we were in there a lot getting snacks and stuff and Brooke and I thought these little pull carts were pretty fancy.  Yes that is lysol in our cute fancy cart, our hotel was okay but we decided we wanted to lysol the carpet, I know call us crazy.

Amazing little shop we found that only sold these beauties and they were yummy.

Just another building that I thought was cool.

This was in one of the stores we went into.

We were a little surprised when we saw this guy with his purple velvet shoes.  So pretty.

Saw these guys too.

We didn't eat at 5 guys but we went in to see where the potatoes were from.  Yay for my home town.  Not the Crapos though I took this before I was totally pissed at them and that is a story I will be telling right after my New York posts.

See it was a guy just in case you didn't believe me.

Just a little fire station we saw tucked away right in the middle of all the buildings.

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