Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Manhattan Temple and Church

Church at the temple is always a must.  Funny story, last time we went I met a lady from Driggs who was serving her mission there.  When I went back this time she was there on vacation with her daughters and sister and I recognized her so of course I had to talk to her.  She couldn't believe I recognized her.  My back was still killing me today.  I am not sure if I had gone and bought a back brace yet, but I did do that and it did help.  I was going to ask the missionaries for a blessing, but I didn't and when I left I wished I would have.  It was so bad and the girls kept having to help me up like an old person.  The organist was the same and I loved his "extra" playing but Kinlee thought it was irreverant, silly kid.


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