Friday, November 30, 2018


I have no idea what happened to my Tiffany's post it disappeared. So here it is at the end of everything. I had to post it and many pictures of it. It's just so pretty.

Going Home

Last Night

We decided on the last night we were there we better at least go out on the town.  I had been a pretty bad party pooper all day.  I really did try not to be a buzz kill so we just went out to Times Square again.  I really feel like a lot of our time was wasted because of my stupid back.  But we tried to make it fun under the circumstances.


Bloomingdales is where I spent a lot of time.  Well, in the waiting room outside the bathroom, my back hurt so bad I didn't want to walk any further.  I didn't even want to go see the shoe department.  A lady I met in the bathroom told me it was amazing and to be sure to check it out.  She wasn't the only lady I met in the bathroom waiting room.  I met a very nice retired teaching from Staton Island too.  I made some new friends while missing out on the MET and Gugenheim.

Times Square at Night

My Birthday through Christmas