Monday, March 17, 2014

Busy Week

My cute friend Kathryn does an email every week to her family and now her friends about what her family did that week.  I love getting her emails and knowing what her family is doing.  I really miss my high school friends and I have appreciated her sending me the email.  On that note, I am going to try to do better about recording the things we do, with or without pictures.  Last week was really busy Kinlee started volleyball, contrary to my begging her not to do it, and as a result she was limping before the week was over.  She has a lump on the bottom of her foot that we were going to have removed last December, but I really had a bad feeling about it, so we didn’t do it.  We are trying some oils and it looks like it is helping.  She also has issues with one of her ankles so she has to wear a brace on her ankle.  Well, neither of those were her limping problem, somehow she hurt her knee and ended up wearing Ray’s knee brace to her last practice.  I think she was doing better this morning though, not as much limping.  Jerika and I were asked to sing with a group of ladies in our ward for our Relief Society Birthday Party, so we had a practice Tuesday night and the party was Wednesday.  It turned out really good and I have a recording of it if only I could figure out how to get it on here.  My mom was able to come and listen to us sing and have dinner with us, which was an added bonus!!  It was fun too being able to do something like that with Jerika.  On Thursday night I had bunco, since I belong to 2 groups, I have it twice a month.  Then Friday night Ray didn’t get home until 8:15 and then I left for an hour to get ice cream with Amanda and Allisa.  Saturday I was totally useless and didn’t get anything accomplished.  Gaven did come over for an hour and we played, just the two of us, because Jerika was at work, Kinlee was at Youth Conference and Ray was helping his mom and step dad.  So, it was just Jake and I most of the day and I took total advantage by sleeping most of the day.  Sunday I was just really thankful I didn’t have to teach, but Sunday School and relief society were really good.  Then Sunday night it was a Youth Standards night at the church and it was really good.  Ray and I both took Kinlee, which doesn’t happen very often.  The members of the Stake Presidency and their wives all talked.  Since 2 of the wives are good friends of mine, I really enjoyed it even more hearing from them.  It is kind of weird to me though sometimes that I went to high school with someone in the Stake Presidency.  Makes me feel really old.  It was a good week and this week looks like it might be just as busy, but it keeps us on our toes.  It doesn’t make for a very clean house, but that can wait, right?

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My Birthday through Christmas