Monday, February 3, 2014


I am going to get on my soap box just a little bit today.  I know most of you who read my blog, thanks Nakia you might be the only one, anyway you know I am a little obsessed with essential oils.  My family has been using them for the last 2 years and recently I started using doTERRA essential oils.  I am constantly telling people, oh I have an oil for that, or ask them if they have used oils on that, I know I am the now known as the crazy oil lady.  But, I am here to tell you THEY WORK!!  We starting using oils because of Ray’s feet.  He has insulin resistance and thus has developed neuropathy in his feet which causes a lot of pain.  Since then he has developed a few other issues and had some others already.  So, we have started using essential oils for those things also, and they do work.  Both the girls were sick a few weekends ago and I have to admit I haven’t been as insistent on the 3 of us using the oils as I have been with Ray.  So, yes they got sick.  They both had fevers and I just decided to take them to the doctor just to see if they needed antibiotics.  The doctor said they both had the flu and wanted to prescribe them Tamiflu.  Well, with my insurance if we get Tamiflu it costs $100 per person and that was well out of my budget this month.  So, I told him to prescribe them some cough medicine just in case and that I was going to fight it with the oils.  Oh yes, he did give me a look like I was the craziest person he had seen that day.  However, I went to the health food store and bought some empty capsules and a dropper and that night I went home and made them an OIL BOMB.  They each took just one with 5 different oils in it and I made myself one too.  Well, I never got sick and they both went to school the next day and have been fine ever since.  So, that is my little rant about oils, they really do work and I am hoping they help with Ray’s eyes too, we have heard good reports of them working for others so that is our oil goal right now.  Oh, and did I mention they kinda fix crazy too, I have been using one for my anxiety and I feel much better.  So if anyone reading this doesn’t use oils and you want to give me a call it will amaze you, I promise.

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