Friday, February 14, 2014

Shelby & Catie Sharp

Last weekend Shelby got married and I was lucky enough to be asked to take the pictures.  It really scares me to take pictures at weddings, because I don’t feel like I am professional enough and I want them to have the very best.  But, I was thankful that they trusted me with their special day. 
The girls and I left on Thursday with mom and dad since I was chicken and thought that the roads might be really bad to travel on, since it was February.  We were going to leave much later, but neither one of the girls had school that day because it was 20 below.  Isn’t it sad when you are actually happy that it is so cold outside.  But it made for a much smoother day of travel and we were able to stop for a nice lunch before the crazy began. 

We checked into the hotel and stayed there for a little while and then we went over to the church to start setting up.  They didn’t want anything too fancy, so it wasn’t too much work.  But, it looked really nice.  There was swimming time in there somewhere that day too, so Kinlee was in heaven, that kids loves to swim!!  That night us girls and our families and mom and dad stayed at the hotel.  Blake came later in bad weather and Merrill and Linda came the next morning in bad weather. 
The wedding was at 11 and it was a really nice short ceremony and both Shelby and Catie looked so happy.  After the ceremony, we had a luncheon, which was very nice also.  Then we went back to the hotel and that is where we stayed the rest of the evening.  They were nice enough to let us use the breakfast room for dinner since we had leftovers from lunch and then the girls did nails in there later and of course there was more swimming.

Saturday morning we left after breakfast and we were all so tired, we didn’t even stop to shop or buy cookies or anything.  We did stop at Olive Garden in Idaho Falls for a late lunch though and then we headed home.  It really was a very nice weekend and we are so happy to have Catie in our family!!

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