Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Stick a fork in me.....I'm Done

I have one really sad girl today at my house, and I really want to vent, so I guess this is the place.  Recently one of her friends was hit and verbally abused by her boyfriend.  Well, her friend ended up at our house afterward instead of going home, so I did what I would want someone to do for me.  I called her mom and let her know what happened.  I realize that some people think that we at the Young house “cause our own drama”, but this is what I feel like I needed to do.  Well, lately it is all kind of blowing up in our faces and Jerika and her boyfriends are getting blamed for “telling people” and I am just so sick of drama I could throw up!!  Anyway long story short, because it is really a long story, I told Jerika today to delete her from all of her accounts and never talk to her or about her again.  Needless to say I have one sad girl sobbing at school right now.  I think I just want to shut all of us off from the rest of the world and not have “friends” or anything else, it really would make things much easier.

1 comment:

Krewson Family said...

You did the right thing and I am grateful I had a mom like you who had the courageous to care even if it made it REALLY hard in the moment. You are awesome!

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