Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Class Reunion - 25 years

Wow, I can't believe it has been 25 years.  I can't say that I have missed school AT ALL.  Some of my worst nightmares are that I am back in high school again.  It wasn't really that bad, but I just don't want to relive that part of my life.  But, the reunion was SUPER fun!!  There weren't that many of us there, but the ones that were there had a good time.
Janice, me, Holly
Holly was my best friend ever since kindergarten.  We actually went to kindergarten in her mom's basement, which was right across the street from my house.  Janice moved into our neighborhood our Freshman year and she fit right in with our little group.

Melanie, Tina and Monique

Monique was always the life of the party and this night was no different.  She was a blast and we had so much fun.

The girl in the sweat shirt is Michelle Hunter.  She moved away after our sophomore year, but came back for the reunion anyway.

I am pretty sure that I was not taking a picture of Holly's behind.  Some of these pictures were taken by Tina (also the life of the party) so I borrowed them from her.

Tina and Robert (our class president)

Cody, Janice, Robert, me, Mitch's head and Holly

These are all the people that showed up (except Darin Spitz he showed up later).  They are:
Connie Struck, Thelma Williams, Mitch Mendenhall, Michele Ripplinger, Robert Drewes, Jared McDaniel, Monique Virgin, Kale Bergeson, TL Schindler, Cody Olsen, Janel Sharp, Michelle Hunter, Melanie Parkinson, Cozette Steel, Steven Stoddard, second row Quinn Nelson, Shawn Edgington, Kay Burrell, Matt Blanchard, Tina Sutton, Holly Orr and Janice Christiansen

Me, Cozette

Cody & Janice

Holly & Matt (they are cousins and he went to kindergarten with us)


Kay and his pretty wife.  They were so nice and let us have the reunion at their house.  Thanks Kay for a great night!!

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