Monday, July 9, 2012

Carlson + Chadwick = FUN

The Carlsons and Chadwicks went camping on Father's Day weekend and Ray wanted to go there for the day and hang out, so that is what we did.
Terry & DeAnn

Princess Jerika (her and I got a little too much sun).  Marsha did too, but I guess I didn't get any pictures of her, except the one where I am with her and I look really really fat, so I didn't post it.

Ray and his best buddy Brandon.


Guess who.

Allisa, she's the bomb yo

Jerika decided she wanted Ray to teach her how to ride the motorcyle.  I was closing my eyes, so I am still not quite sure how that all turned out.

All the kiddos with their helmets on.  Kinlee didn't get sunburned except for the top of her hands from holding onto the handle bars of the 4 wheeler ALL DAY.

This is Jerika getting ready to take off.  I'm not sure that bike is big enough for 2.

Kinlee & Mya...we really didn't see much of them all day, they refused to get off the 4 wheelers.  I think it took a lot of coaxing to get them to even come and eat lunch.

1 comment:

Carlson Clan said...

Oh how about all of my fat rolls!

My Birthday through Christmas