Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Today I didn't win. There was drama caused that I couldn't fix, but I didn't create it either. I am not sure who my friends are anymore which is a long and most likely crazy story.  I couldn't go to lunch with Tyler because I was working. Which also means I didn't walk on a break or my lunch hour today. I didn't make Kinlee a fancy dinner on her last day of summer, and I didn't even take her for a treat. I didn't go to zumba. Oh wait I didn't even fix dinner at all. And I spent way too much time in my bed. I am trying not to regress into my old ways so tomorrow I will do better and be better. I promise myself. Oh did I mention I ate everything in sight today but I didn't eat out. I am talking milk duds Jr mints peanut butter balls and things like that but I didn't eat real dinner so now my stomach is growling.  And I must be having some sort of crazy anxiety attack because I have this feeling I am going to die in my sleep tonight so I can't actually fall asleep and it is almost 2.  Oh and one last thought... I hate my desk at work. So did I say one last thought, I lied, my one last thought is I am thankful for my life things could definitely be worse.

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