Monday, August 22, 2016

Maunas yard

We spent 3 Saturday’s working in Mauna’s yard.  She had bought some rock to put around the entire perimeter of her house.  Ray went the first Saturday himself because Kinlee and I were busy.  He came home that night and I thought it was possible that he was going to have a heart attack or possibly die.  As a result of that scare, Kinlee and I went with him the next 3 weeks.  It was a hard job, especially since her back yard is on a HUGE incline.  It was quite funny to see actually.  Ray would start at the bottom of the hill with the wheel barrow and Terry and Kinlee would be on both sides and they would push it up the hill with him after their running start.  The finished project looks really good though and it was fun spending time together.

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