Thursday, January 7, 2016

Crazy bus

There was an article in one of our church magazines recently about a lady that wrote a blog and how it helped in her life and also let people know about her religion. I mostly blog because I don’t scrapbook anymore and I want piictures saved somewhere. But after reading that article I think it might help with my stress levels to share some things or at the very least allow me to not keep everything  bottled up. I know you are thinking Janel don’t keep things bottled up but believe it or not just because I don’t technically have a filter doesn’t mean I don’t have some self control.
The other day I was almost killed by a school bus. This, by the way was not the first time this school year that I have had a run in with a bus. My warning to Ray this year when taking Kinlee to school was this, “the buses do not yield to anyone else in the parking lot so watch out”. Now I realize and yes I am fully aware of the laws associated with driving as I have driven since I was 14 so I understand the whole yield to cars coming into the parking lot but this is not the case with some bus drivers at Sugar.  You must yield to them at all times which I found out yesterday when a bus pulled right out in front of me on the street. I honked a lot and the roads we’re A solid sheet of ice but I was able to stop before impact.  It was so scary. My post on Facebook that day said this, “To the bus driver that almost killed me today…You came close to making my husband a very rich man. Better luck next time or wait maybe learn to pay attention and yield when pulling onto the streets of town you are carrying precious cargo!!! Rant over.

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