Monday, January 18, 2016

Christmas Eve with many Sharps

Now let’s see where do we start. 
I guess one of the most exciting things to happen to members of our family this year was the Garth Brooks concert. Nakia’s dream came true along with Janel, Shelby & Catie, Kelsie, Merrill & Linda, Shawn & Tracy and Grandpa and myself. Kaden came along for the ride
I imagine some of you thought that the new Star Wars Movie was pretty close to the highlight of your year, like Merrill & Linda and their family, Shelby and Catie, Ashlin and the king of Star Wars, Jesse. I think some of you went just because you are such good people, right? 
Sports seems to play a big part of this family. We have spent the whole year watching Carter, Kaden, Tragen, Peyton, Luke, Rylen, and Brayli playing some kind sport. And yes, we love every minute of it. Brayli and Taylor are also involved in gymnastics. I guess all of you are doing the things you love and what is right for you. Thanks for the entertainment. 
A lot of you have been called to new callings this year, Shelby and Catie are busy serving in their Branch. Catie has served as Relief Society President and Shelby was called to be the Executive secretary. One of the highlights of that day was having his two brothers there to help ordain him. They do not get to spend that kind of quality time together very often. It was a special time for all three of them. Others that have exciting things happen are Dax who received the Aaronic Priesthood the first of the month, Tragen was baptized in January, Ray is the new Mission Leader of their ward, Ben was called to the Elder Quorum Presidency and KaReena was called to be the Primary Chorister, her favorite calling. Gee, I hope I got them all right. I am sure there are some callings I didn’t hear about, but we know all of you are doing your part. 
Ben, Kaden, Brycen, Cody and Carter spent the fall doing their best to harass deer, elk, birds and anything else that is legal to shoot. Some of them were right good shots and the proud carried home their prizes. Now Blake did a little killing himself. How many of us have the claim to fame for killing a bird with the car’s right antenna. He not only killed it. It stuck on the antenna for miles. Cindy tried hard to get him to do the right thing and pull over and take it off, but he thought it was right funny to leave it there. 
Sorry Cindy he didn’t listen to you. 
Taci, Ashlin and Derek are busy continuing your education. Taci is attending Nursing School, Derek is studying to be a Pharmacy tech, and Ashlin is studying to be an English Teacher. Kelsie attending a Pharmacy Seminar in Texas. We knew she was smart putting the right chemicals together but now those people in Texas know. We are so proud of all of you for the hard work. 
This summer we went to Yellowstone Park with Brian & KaReena and the kids. Now, I am not saying the two men in the front seat weren’t paying attention but we did end up at the South Gate of the Park and we were planning to go Mammoth Hot Springs which is at the North Gate. Oh well, we had fun, right KaReena, Dax & Lydia? And speaking of Lydia, you ought to see the things that she has learned to do with a crochet hook. Her and Kelsie are both pretty creative.
Tracy continues with her running. She sure makes our family look good. Congratulations to you for your efforts. It makes me tired to think about it. Gaven’s family is still amazed at the fact that when they went to pick Huckleberries this summer they found his boot that he lost two years ago. Who would have thought? 
After all of these years, Ray is off the road and able to be home every night. No more of that “thousand-plus miles a month” business. Ray and Janel are finding out the joys of being a grandparent. Puts a new look on life, right? Austin has also changed jobs and is loving doing what he does. He does well and has been recognized for his Salesman ability. Way to go!!! Injuries have not skipped us this year. Linda was badly hurt riding a four-wheeler and we are so happy that she is steadily recovering from that injury. Linkin has had his share of stitches and oowies. Jerika and Kinlee had some interesting injuries also. Jerika got her left hand shut in the door by a co-worker. (Crazy co-worker) Then Kinlee, thinking she was practicing for the Ballet, took a leap and fell, spraining her left ankle. We really are blessed to have such good health in our family.
Gun control is being taken seriously by Merrill, Linda, and Kayla. They are the ones controlling. Each of them have made that one of their big purchases for the year and hitting the bulls eye right in the middle has become their goal. Good going.
As for as Grandpa and myself, our big moment this summer was celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Thanks to all of you for your efforts in putting that celebration together, we really appreciate it. Going to Disney World and Canada was also a big occurrence in our “kind of quite life.” I am thankful for him and for him putting up with me all of these years. He is superman in my eyes and the eyes of our family. Thanks for all you do. All in all we have had a wonderful year. 
We are grateful for the opportunity to have Bill with us and are so thankful for his friendship. Rather he wants to or not he has inherited “Sharp Family Status”. We love having you here.
As this Christmas Day is upon us may we all remember “The reason for the Season” and invite the Savior into our lives. It is there that we find true happiness. May all of you be blessed this coming year. We love you more than you will ever know. Merry Christmas.

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