Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thankful Thanksgiving

This year Thanksgiving seemed a little more quiet than normal, maybe that is because we were missing about 10 kids.  And I mean MISSING.  We really hate it that other families want to share our family on holidays and we actually have to be good sports and let them go.  This year we did have a few newbies.  Catie came for the first time this year and we got to have Adrian with us too.  And KaReena's brother in law Wayne got to experience the crazy too.
Some things never change though, no matter who is at dinner, nobody really likes their pictures taken and so I am always the bad guy.

This was all of us, except Wayne was nice enough to take this picture.  The one I took with Wayne in it didn't work.  Just in case you don't recognize everyone, it is Me, Kinlee, Catie, Shelby, mom, Jerika, dad, Lydian, KaReena, Ray, Daxton, Adrian, Brian, Mauna and Terry.

After dinner we played a game and then headed home. 
Friday we went shopping in Idaho Falls with Shelby, Catie, mom, me, Kinlee, Jerika, Nakia, Brayli, KaReena and Lydia (I think that was everyone).  Then Saturday night we went back up to moms for dinner with everyone because Blake was back.  It was a really fun weekend and fun to spend time with everyone.  I really am Thankful for my family.

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