Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Trip to Virginia City & Nevada City Montana

A couple Saturday's ago, Ray called me at 8:30 a.m. Now for those of you who really know me, know you do not call my house that early on a Saturday morning. So, when I saw it was Ray I knew there was something wrong, because he would never dare call that early on a Saturday. I know, I know, but I really need my sleep. Anyway, he told me that he and his friend Tyler had got pulled into a weigh station and they were 1/2 hour off on their logs, so the DOT officer shut them down for 8 hours for some reason. So, they were stuck in Ennis, Montana. He told me they hadn't eaten anything and the closest place to eat was over a mile away from where they were parked. So, me being the amazing wife that I am loaded the children in the car and headed out for Ennis Montana. Our original plan was to go to Lewis and Clark caverns. So, we got there and picked them up and took them to get something to eat and then headed for the caverns. Well, we got up there and they told us we needed jackets and something other than flip flops and that it was only 50 degrees in the caverns. And to top that off, they said you are in the caverns for 2 miles which equals 2 hours. Which didn't really sit well with any of us. So, we turned around and headed for Virginia City instead. While we were there, we walked around town and took some pictures and made a very expensive stop at the candy store. Then we rode to Nevada City on the train. It was so hot, but we enjoyed it. I would have liked to take more pictures, but Ray's friend had to head back home, so I will have to take that trip another time for picture taking.
Outside one of the old buildings in town. There was a beer fest that day, so there were quite a few HAPPY people.

Inside one of the old buildings. It really is pretty interesting inside the buildings and if you even get a chance you should go there, it really isn't a very long drive.

This is their police station and I really liked the old police car in front.

This was an old gas station and I took the picture from car. I should have made Ray stop so I get better pictures of the gas pumps. There were so many amazing things and I really don't think we got to see even half of them. So, if anyone wants to take a road trip call me and we will go.
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1 comment:

Shari said...

When I was about 10 we went to the caverns and I threw up around 4 times- not a fun two hours! I haven't thought about that trip for a long time!! Looks like a fun trip!