Friday, August 20, 2010

International Dance Festival

Every year at BYUI they have an huge dance fesitval with dances from lots of different countries. My boss is usually in charge and this year he gave me some free tickets. So, these are the people I took with me. It was fun, be kind of went a little long for Kinlee & Tiff. There were dancers from Egypt, Mexico, Thailand, China and U.S, I think that was all. It was fun to see the different styles that each country has. And it was a fun night for all of us, we even went to dinner too.

Cierra, Jerika & Kinlee

Tiff & I
What you can't see behind us the CRAZY guy that sat next to us, who kept hitting on Kinlee while his wife was out in the lobby with his kid. That guy was NUTSO!! He kept trying to get her to go down on the floor and dance with him during intermission. COOKOO
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