Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I don’t know why, by I am a little embarrassed to say that I got a new car.  My other car was only a 2009 Honda, but it had a few issues that we really didn’t want to deal with fixing and actually hoping they were fixed after we put the money out.  Needless to say, we started the search and by search I mean Ray searched the web like crazy making sure which car was the best (in his opinion) and what he liked and in the process, I got at least a hundred text messages with different pictures of cars.  We finally decided that we would get a Nissan Altima.  They were offering several discounts and for the money, and the amazing interest rate we got from Nissan, that is where we ended up.  I got blue, yes it is blue, even though it doesn’t look like it, it is really dark blue and I LOVE IT!!!
Went to a luau with Becky and had a really fun time.
Shopping at Claires with Jerika & Kinlee.  I HATE THIS STORE fyi, so Jerika and I were trying to entertain ourselves and not hurry Kinlee while she shopped.

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