Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Prom response

 This is Dallyn's room after Jerika answered him back for prom.  What boy doesn't love Pink, right?  Her response was on the window and you can't see it, but it was "I would be tickled PINK to go to the prom with you.
I took these pictures with my new cell phone, which I am not really happy with, but Ray decided I needed a new one.  So, some of the pictures I took didn't turn out at all, but this is a good idea of what his room looked like.  Minus the silly strin his mom sprayed everywhere after I too the picture.
 Dallyn's mom Sherry even helped us blow up the balloons.  I don't know that she even realized I took her picture, let alone put it on my blog.  Oops

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