Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I don’t know why, by I am a little embarrassed to say that I got a new car.  My other car was only a 2009 Honda, but it had a few issues that we really didn’t want to deal with fixing and actually hoping they were fixed after we put the money out.  Needless to say, we started the search and by search I mean Ray searched the web like crazy making sure which car was the best (in his opinion) and what he liked and in the process, I got at least a hundred text messages with different pictures of cars.  We finally decided that we would get a Nissan Altima.  They were offering several discounts and for the money, and the amazing interest rate we got from Nissan, that is where we ended up.  I got blue, yes it is blue, even though it doesn’t look like it, it is really dark blue and I LOVE IT!!!
Went to a luau with Becky and had a really fun time.
Shopping at Claires with Jerika & Kinlee.  I HATE THIS STORE fyi, so Jerika and I were trying to entertain ourselves and not hurry Kinlee while she shopped.

Jerika's Senior presentation


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Prom dress shopping

There is a lady in Idaho Falls that rents dresses out of her basement and this is where we found this dress.  Jerika loved it from the minute she saw it and it fit and the best part about it was this was the first place we looked for a dress, which made shopping that day much easier!!
More pictures of the other dresses and yes I took them with my new phone, either I need more practice with it or something better change, because I do almost all of my blogging pictures from my cell phone now and need it work well.
We had a really fun day, after this we went to lunch and Kinlee even went with us and she was a total trooper.  Maybe because we promised to let her go to the mall after we were done to spend the money that has been burning a hole in her pocket.

Prom response

 This is Dallyn's room after Jerika answered him back for prom.  What boy doesn't love Pink, right?  Her response was on the window and you can't see it, but it was "I would be tickled PINK to go to the prom with you.
I took these pictures with my new cell phone, which I am not really happy with, but Ray decided I needed a new one.  So, some of the pictures I took didn't turn out at all, but this is a good idea of what his room looked like.  Minus the silly strin his mom sprayed everywhere after I too the picture.
 Dallyn's mom Sherry even helped us blow up the balloons.  I don't know that she even realized I took her picture, let alone put it on my blog.  Oops

Prom invite

Jerika's boyfriend is super cute and precious!!  We do love him and he treats our Jerika so good.  And I am super excited she gets to go to prom her Senior year.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Kinlee's musical day

This picture was at Festival, which they do every year at the college here.  Kinlee memorized 2 songs and got a 97, which I think is pretty amazing!!  She really didn't want her picture taken here, and I am going to make sure she sees that I did put it on the blog so that next time she can make a happier face.  I do think she was nervous and that is why she didn't want her picture taken, but she did a fabulous job. 
These are pictures from her recital that night.  Jerika's Dallyn is such a sport and is very supportive.  And Tyler even came too, which made his sister very happy. 
Mom and dad were out of town at a wedding in Utah, so they didn't make it and the Kerswells were in Boise, but aunt Nakia came and supported her too. 
Here is a picture of Kinlee with her teacher and the other kids in her group.  This was her third time doing festival so she got a piano pin, she was pretty excited about it. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Short Road Trip

On conference weekend I thought we could go for a nice ride on Sunday while we listened to conference.  Boy was I wrong.  Ok it was a nice ride, but there wasn’t much listening to conference happening I am afraid to say.  Once you get 2 kids with add who didn’t take their meds and a dad who should probably be on add meds, a small yappy dog, a boyfriend (who really is pretty quiet), a Kinlee who is afraid we are going to go off the cliff any minute and me, the only person who actually wanted to listen to conference in a pickup, there really isn’t much listening going on.  We drove over to Alpine, Wyoming, which was a really nice drive that my girls had never been on, and most likely will not go on again, because they were freaked out by palisades dam (yes they have lived a sheltered life) and the long drop if we did drive off the cliff.  But we had a really nice drive and then we had to go into Idaho Falls to get Ray’s big truck from Peterbuilt.  I, being the very smart mother that I am, did record conference so it could be watched later, because I had a feeling we wouldn’t quite get out of it what we needed.  But, it was nice to spent time all together which hasn’t happened in a very long time.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Busy, busy, busy

Uneventful, I think not.  I was thinking life the last few weeks has been uneventful, however I think that it was so crazy the last week of March that last week I was re-cooperating.  My back has been out for a few weeks, which I think has a little to do with stress (from all the volleyball crap) and the fact that I just really twisted it wrong at work.  So, I did take one day off to try and recover from that, but that was two weeks ago and I am still struggling.  But now in looking back at my last week in March, no wonder it isn’t better.  Monday was pretty uneventful, but Tuesday I had visiting teachers and then went to Becky’s house with Miriam after that.  Then after Becky’s house, we came to Rexburg to have dinner, so I didn’t get home until after 9:30.  Wednesday night I had mom and dad over for dinner and Ray was home too, so we had a nice evening just talking.  Thursday was bunco night and then Friday I went to lunch to Amanda, Melanie and Marianna.  Saturday was super crazy, all 4 of us went to St. Anthony for Dave Loomis’ (I work with Becky, his wife) memorial service, which was so nice.  His daughter, Rachel did a life history and she did a fabulous job.  Then that evening it was the relief society broadcast, so we  as in, Mom, Janel, Jerika, Kinlee, Nakia, Brayli, KaReena and Lydia.  This year the younger kids got to go too and I am not sure they were super excited to sit for an hour and a half, but we did go to dinner before, so that was nice.  And I am very sad to say that I did not take any pictures.  I am really losing it, I guess because that is just not like me.  Then last week is a total blur, I don’t remember doing anything too spectacular, except going to Jalayn to see if she could help my back.  I do think it is feeling better, but still not 100%.  I guess I should take my own advice and actually put some deep blue essential oil on it more than just the one time. 

My Birthday through Christmas