Monday, December 23, 2013

Bunco Christmas

Not the best quality pictures on this, but you get the idea. I belong to 2 bunco groups, I know I am such a party girl, if you didn't already know.  This group exchanges names every year for Christmas and then we go out to dinner and open our presents.  We have so much fun when we are together!!
Allisa, gift from Kathy (who totally ditched us for a bishopric party). But we forgave her. 
Amanda (our newest member and blurry too) gift from Mandy. 
Nakia and Amanda posing with the gift from Amanda.
DeAnn gift from Nakia
Mandy gift from Sheila (can you see her in there?) 
Sheila, gift from Janel (minus the pasties like I gave her last year and Allisa gave me the year before)
Oh, that's me with my gift from DeAnn.
We all enjoyed our dinner and we laughed so hard the whole time. I love these ladies and am lucky to spend at least once a month with them.  And next time I will take my real camera. 

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