Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Actual Birthday day

When I got to work they had decorated my cubicle which included about 100 jolly ranchers. 
My fun birthday card, which had pictures of the Backstreet Boys and Matt Boner..yummy!! 
My mom asked me the night before my bday if I had lunch plans on birthday and I didn't so they totally took pity on me. Then Blake texted me to wish me happy birthday and said he would take me to lunch so we invited dad, Nakia and KaReena too.  It was kind of late notice for KaReena, so she couldn't come, we missed her.  But, it was really fun to go to lunch with everyone else.
Dinner was at Costa Vida with Jerika, Dallyn and Allisa.  Kinlee had a piano recital and was with mom so the rest of us went out before the recital.  This picture of Jerika is a little creepy, but I couldn't resist posting it anyway. 
Since I am mother of the Year, I don't think I got any pictures of Kinlee's recital.  She was facing the other direction and I did get one of her back...next time I will do better. 

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My Birthday through Christmas