Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kinlee's 1st Volleyball Game

Kinlee wanted to do volleyball again this year, so we let her and she loved it even more than last year.  This really wasn't her first game, but the first game I went to, which was her second game.  I was out of town scrapbooking on the day of her first game.  But, there were several more for me to see.  So, there will be a few more volleyball posts to come.  She does such a good job and she is an amazing server. 

These are mostly pictures of them warming up before the game.  The coaches babysitter couldn't watch her 3 cute little girls, so Ray and I ended up entertaining them for most of the 3 hours we were there.  But, we had fun and the girls did a really good job.  I think they won 2 of the 3 sets that they played.

This is Kinlee serving, look at that form.

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