Thursday, November 24, 2011

Jerika's performances

Can you see Jerika in this picture?  Doesn't she look thrilled?

Here is Jerika's new high school and below is the auditorium - it is huge.

This is the singing group that she is in at Madison that she had to try out for.  I think she likes it and in December they are going to Utah to perform.  I am pretty sure I get to go with them, so that will be fun....for me anyway.  Jerika said she wants me to go too and she knows it will be much more fun if I am going. LOL

This is her solo performance for her voice class.  She sings so well, but really quietly, so it was pretty hard to hear her.  But, she did it next time I am going to put the microphone much closer to her mouth while she is singing.  I am quite certain with that little threat on the table she will make sure she sings as loud as I know she can, because she does at home frenquently.

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