Thursday, November 24, 2011


So, I put these pictures on here the other day and didn't have time to write anything with them.  Well, I am at the hospital with Ray right now and I have a little time on my hands, so I am going write something now.  I wish I had my sd card and I could update through today, but just my luck.
For Halloween, Kinlee went to the sugar city trunk or treat with Nakia and I watched baby Gaven.  I know I really got the sweet end of that deal!!  Then we went to moms house for dinner.  I just barely noticed when I posted this picture that Ben is holding Lydia up in the background.  He is always good for some kind of laugh during picture time. 

Baby Gaven with mom, isn't he so cute!!  He had the worst cough and he didn't have a voice, he had this really quiet sad voice when he cried.  Broke my heart.

Grandpa just loves me when I take his picture.  I know I have said this before, but he likes it even more when I post his picture on the internet.  The good thing about that is he doesn't ever read my blog so he doesn't know he is on here unless someone else tells him.  So mums the word.

What cute people I have in my life!!

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