Monday, November 14, 2011

Girls Day Out

Whenever Christopher & Banks in the mall has a sale, at least one of us get a personal phone call letting us know about it.  Well, this one was the best phone call........50% off the entire store..... and even better, only the people that got the call knew about the sale for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  So, mom, Nakia, KaReena and I went to the mall Monday morning and checked out the sale.  I took the day off, KaReena went in late, Ben went in late to work so that Nakia could go with us and since mom is retired, she was totally willing, eager and ready. 
We had one of the bought something at one of those little stores in the middle of the mall, so the guy was totally willing to take our picture.  Then after shopping we went to lunch at Panda Express.  It was such a fun day and I think between all of us we saved at least $200.00 which made it all worth while.

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