Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rodeo - 2 nights in a row

Jerika's cute friend MaKayla was in the Queens contest at the rodeo in St. Anthony this year and she asked us to come.  So, Friday night the girls and I loaded up and went to the rodeo.  I forgot I really do like rodeos.  I think the girls just liked the social part of it and that we were just doing something.  We sat by Mandy (my friend) and her family.  Kinlee had fun with the boys, Coy (Mandy's son) and his cousin.  We didn't see much of Jerika the whole night.  We even have proof that we were there, the next day my friend sent me a message and asked if we had gone to the rodeo and if that was a picture of Kinlee and I in the newspaper.  Sure enough, we were on the front page and another page in the newspaper.

Night 2 of the rodeo, the girls wanted to go again and our tickets were for 2 nights, but it was a fight to get the dad to go.  But Ray reluctantly agreed to go and I think he ended up enjoying it, especially the greasy food that you can only get at rodeos.  They had a contest for kids under 12 where they pinned money to a cow and the kids chased the cow to try and get the money off the cow, so Kinlee is out in the hoard of people chasing that cow.

I didn't have my camera so these pictures are from my cell phone and Kinlee moved her head just as I was taking the picture of them.  And it was pretty bright outside so I couldn't see the results.  I know I should take my camera with me to everything.  Silly me.  All in all we had a good night and I think that Ray even enjoyed it a little bit.  I really love spending time with my family!!  We really do have a lot of fun together!!  Even though we are super silly most of the time.

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