Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pioneer Day Parade

Pioneer Day is huge in St.Anthony.  It is so much fun and it is funny how many people that moved away actually come home that weekend for the festivities.  They used to have the parade on the 24th, but now the do it the Saturday that is closest to the 24th, which I think makes it easier for more people to come, since Idaho doesn't have it as a State Holiday like Utah.  I put some of these pictures on my facebook, but I just wanted to put some of the float pictures on here so you could see how amazing they are and the work that actually goes into them.  It really is an amazing parade and it isn't very long either, which makes it good too.  It is a time too that I get to see some people that I only see once a year.
Neices and nephews and Kinlee waiting for candy.
Older kids.
Mom and her brother Glade.
KaReena, dad, mom, Nakia and baby Gaven under the blanket.
Natalie, Chery, Blake and Neal our new family.

What you can't see very well on this float is a picture at the top of our local hero, Dustin Birch.  He was killed in Afghanistan (I think).  I used to babysit him and it just seems crazy that someone I know died for our country.  Around the bottom of the float were pictures of local veterans from the ward that made the float.  It was pretty amazing!!
Dad loves it when I put his picture on my blog (not).  I think that since he was so happy to have his picture taken, I don't think he would really mind.

On this float it says "Land of the free because of the Brave".  Amen to that!!

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