Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Once again I will state that I am so behind!! I have been Utah twice since this event. Tiffnie and Tonia were going to meet in Layton for the weekend and scrapbook, so they invited me along. I can't believe how much I got done and boy did we have fun!!
Our hotel had 2 bedrooms and a kitchen, so we sat everything up in the living room and scrapped there. The first night we all went to bed and I fell asleep with my television on (each room had one and so did the living room.) I woke up a little while later and realized it was still on, so I turned it off. Then I heard the tv in the living room going (and I remembered turning it off myself). So, I got up and both Tiff and Tonia were sound asleep, so I looked around the hotel room and found nothing. I was totally freaked out, but I got back in bed and went to sleep. The next day Tonia was watching tv in the living room and Tiff was switching channels in her room and it was changing Tonia's channels too....mystery solved, all the remotes worked on all the tv's.

These were bracket things that you would put around words, so we used them as mustaches, hey we thought it was pretty funny.
(No, we don't get out very much.)

Thanks for taking me with you guys!! Lets do it again very soon!!
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Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...