Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jerika - District Voice

Have I told anyone lately what an angelic voice my Jerika has? I am pretty certain that everyone is tired of hearing that from me, but it is so true. She has had several recitals where mostly parents and grandparents come and listen, but this experience was way out of her comfort zone. She had to sing a song in another language and be judged. She did a fabulous job and I was so proud of her. She doesn't like to sing in front of people and it really makes me crazy, so this is really a step in the right direction.
We were so thankful for her painist, she agreed to play for her last minute.

She was very nervous, but we were in the auditorium and we could hear here, which isn't always the case.

This was the judge talking to her after she sang, giving her some pointers.

More pointers. She didn't make it State, but there are very few that do get to go. But that didn't matter to me, her proud mother at all!! She actually did it and that is what matters.

For those of you who don't know, but do care, Jerika will be tranferring to Madison next year. She is so excited and has so many friends there, so I hope her high school experience is better there than her freshman year at Sugar. I really wanted her to try out for the traveling choir at Sugar, but there are a few girls in the choir that are pretty creepy to Jerika so she didn't want to try out. We found out after we had decided to let her transfer that tryouts to the Madison choir were in a week and so I called the choir teacher and they let her try out. The have the Bel Cantos choir, which is both boys and girls and then the Musettes, which is just girls. She made the Musettes choir and I was so proud of her. She is so happy about it too and hopefully this will help her self esteem and she will feel better about her voice and performing in front of people. Go, Jerika!! Luv ya
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Debi and Craig said...

Congrats to her!! We have debated on sending Alexys there also. I hope she loves it. =) What a hard thing to stand up in front of anyone and sing. I can't do it.

The Courtney Family said...

That is so exciting! Way to go Jerika!

Jen said...

This is Ally: Yay Jerika!! I'm sure you did so amazing! We're really going to miss you at sugar, but I'm glad you'll be happier at Madison. Hopefully I'm not one of those girls that creeps you out... haha.