Sunday, April 11, 2010

Short visit with Shelby and the Fam...

Mom and I made a quick trip to Utah to a Young Women Auxilary Training meeting.  I really love that mom is retired!!  She was able to just leave and go with me, since none of my young women people could go with me.  We left on Wed. last week at 3:00 and came back on Thursday. We stayed Wed. night and Shelby's house (doesn't he look excited?).

Mom was showing them floor samples and stuff for her kitchen remodel.

Mandy was there too, they were on Spring break in Cheyenne so they came to visit.

Keep in mind I had traveled several hours before this picture. Anita looks much better than me for sure!!

The view from the kitchen, Mandy and Kelsie.
Thanks Allisa for keeping my girls!!  I couldn't have done it without you.  It is such a blessing to have such amazing friends and family!!
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Debi and Craig said...

How fun!! Is that Panda Express I see on the table?? I love that food! Thanks for letting me spy on your Blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous, wish I lived by family so we could just pick up and go. It really is all about family!!

Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...