Friday, April 16, 2010

The rest of my Utah trip

My reason for going to Utah was to attend the Auxiliary Training in the conference center. It was 2 1/2 hours of very informative training and it was taught by the General Young Women's Presidency. I am so glad I went.

Salt Lake Temple. I only took my little camera with me, but I think this pictures turned out really well even so. I need to learn to take my big camera with me from now on, live and learn, I guess.

These are a few of my favorite things!! I love, love, love these cookies, and so everytime someone I know (especially me) goes to either Utah or Boise, I make them get me sugar cookies from Mrs. Fields. If anyone has a recipe that actually works, frosting included, I would love to try it and see if it really compares.

Don't they look delightful? This time I did share my cookies and I still won my biggest loser at work, even though I bought and ate cookies.
I am pretty proud of myself about that also. There were 8 of us competing and I lost 19.2 pounds and 10% of my body fat. Now, if I can just keep it off and keep up the good work, I still have a few more pounds to go.
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Tonia Nelson said...

Congrads on loosing weight...i cant believe you came to utah again and didn't come see me

Anonymous said...

Isn't losing weight hard?! It's really all about a commitment to a lifestyle change. That's awesome and keep it up!!!!

My Birthday through Christmas