Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Glenn Miller NIght

Since I moved to town, every year I hear about Glenn Miller night and how amazing it is and that I should go. Well, it is a date thing and the tickets are $35.00 per couple. I therefore never have bought tickets because I didn't want to take the chance that Ray wouldn't be home. Let me explain what Glenn Miller night is.... it is prime rib dinner/dancing in a nutshell, but you get to dance to mostly Jazz music provided by the Amazing high school Jazz Band. I had no idea how good they were. Anyway, since Dave had already moved and Kate didn't have a date, we talked about going together to eat and listen. Well, once Kate gets an idea in her head, she runs with it. She called everyone she could think of that would like to go, but might not have a date and we had a girls night out. It was so much fun!!

Kate and Suzette Gee (aren't they cute), I love these guys!!

Me, Kathy Stillman and Kate's mom (Bonnie).

This was our little gourp, we had a few more that wanted to come, but got sick and ended up not being able to come.

Thanks guys, it was a Blast!!
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