Monday, October 12, 2009


Kinlee played soccer this year and really liked it. Maybe it can be something that she can stick too and continue with. I sometimes wonder though if it is more of the social stuff that they like with sports. Anyway, it was fun for all of us and might be the closest thing I actually get to a child doing sports, since I don't have boys.

(Hey, who is that sexy lady in the background of this picture? The first person that can guess who it is and post a comment on this blog gets a free watch band.)

Dad even made it home to a game, believe it or not!! Good season Kinlee, you did a really good job!!
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Carlson Clan said...

hey nice pics is that tiff in the background???

Suzette said...

I'm guessing Nakia.

Colette said...

Sometimes their sports events are a social hour for us moms too. I actually get out to talk to other moms, although I have to talk and keep my eyes focused on the game, gotten in trouble for not watching one too many times! Guess I'll have to buy mine because I have NO clue who is in the background.

Anonymous said...

It's Tiff. Dang it, I should have checked my blog this morning, I would have been the first one to get it right.

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