Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nakia's baby - Rylen

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting pictures of her baby, but here he is. Nakia's baby Rylen, born two weeks ago. Isn't he cute?

As soon as Kaden gets over swine flu, I am going to go over and take more pictures. I got to babysit him last Sunday while Nakia went to her kids program at church. So, I took a few pictures of him then and I took some of their whole family, but I don't love those.

I feel like such a slacker, I was hoping to have whole bunch more taken by now, but I was afraid my kids would make them sick if we went over to their house and now I am afraid we will get swine flu from Kaden. So, yes Ben I am a bad aunt, but I will make up for it!!

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My Birthday through Christmas