Saturday, September 12, 2009


Here are pictures of the girls on the first day of school. I can't believe that summer went so fast. I might even have some summer stuff I didn't blog about, but I guess its too late now.

Jerika started 8th grade this year and Kinlee started 3rd grade. The both had a pretty good first day. I even got a little teary, because next year Kinlee will be in middle school and Jerika will be in high school. Time is just flying by!!

I decided this year that I am VERY glad that Jerika is still about a head taller than all the boys her age, because they would all be knocking down our door on a regular basis. (Even if I do say so myself, she is pretty cute!)

Kinlee is doing amazing in school!! She is so smart and doesn't really need much help at all with her homework.
I am just thankful that I have such amazing kids!!!!!
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Carlson Clan said...

I also think that you have amazing girls they are so cute!

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

I agree, Jerika is a Beauty!

Suzette said...

Yeah. I found your blog. Great pictures.

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