Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mini Me - Halloween

So, when it comes to Halloween, I am not the funnest mom ever. I think buying costumes is waste of money, so we try to be clever every year. Well, this year Kinlee wanted to be a pajama model at school, which was just an excuse to wear her pajamas to school. Then on Halloween, she wanted to dress up in something different. So, I decided to put a few of my clothes on her with a little makeup, a watch band, my leather boots, and a purple purse as her Halloween bag. So, yes she was dressed up as me and it was pretty funny!!

We missed the trunk or treat because of Ray and I won't go into that, so she went trick or treating to about 5 houses in St.Anthony when we went to grandmas. So, she got a little candy. Jerika went to a party at some boys house, which also quite the experience! I didn't know the boy and I didn't know his parents, so I told her I would have to drive her to his house and meet his parents or I wasn't going to let her go. She freaked out and told me that she wouldn't go then. A few minutes later she came and told me she had texted the boy and he said it was okay for me to meet his parents. I also did a little background check of my own, but it was still hard to let her go and not spend Halloween with us. I'm not sure who was more upset though, me or grandma Sharp.

It also didn't help grandma that some of Nakia's kids were sick with swine flu, so none of them even got to go out trick or treating. I did get pictures of KaReena's kids with Kinlee, but that was all. Blake and his kids did show up at moms, but it was later and I think I had put my camera away by then. I am really starting to be a slacker when it comes to taking pictures lately!!

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1 comment:

Kapri said...

Great costume! And cute outfit Janel.

My Birthday through Christmas